Saturday, July 2, 2011


So if you think that I have a bad banner, yes, you're saying the truth. I can't find the font I want to use. And I wanted more time to put effort on my banner. Since I Facebooked 12pm - 9 pm, and finshed my Algebra at 10 pm, studied the obstinate world of Biologhy at 11pm, chatted with my just turned 40 years old mom until 11: 20 pm, I think I will have the best time to blog tomorrow and change my hideous tempo banner. So that's it. I wasted my whole afternoon, i just realized. For I just spend like 3 hours to finish & organize all my High School Bizz, and now see who hates the man who invented procrastination.

I want to eat. And as I always say, I do not end up having fat ass. Blame my metabolism. :)

Illuminati *as they say*,

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